Book - How To Raise A Loaf And Fall In Love With Sourdough
Book - How To Raise A Loaf And Fall In Love With Sourdough
Book - How To Raise A Loaf And Fall In Love With Sourdough
Book - How To Raise A Loaf And Fall In Love With Sourdough

Book - How To Raise A Loaf And Fall In Love With Sourdough

Regular price €19.50

Despite its reputation, you don't need to be an expert baker to make sourdough at home. This book makes the key techniques of traditional baking easy to understand, with step-by-step photo instructions, and an overview of the magical processes that turn wild yeasts into a living baker’s starter and a bowl of flour into a glowing crusty loaf. And once you have the basics down pat, it will tell you what lames, bannetons, brushes and stones to invest in if you want to start getting fancy.

  • 112 pages